Yellow objective Find the two switches nearest to your starting position, and press them to fill in some of the gaps in the perimeter path around the central 'castle'. One is ahead and slightly to your left; switching it on will also fire up the 'kiln' in front of you and put a solid floor under the purple key at the top, enabling you to collect that key near the end of the mission. The other switch you need to find now is in the opposite direction, just before a dam that runs along the edge of a lava lake. Press it to connect the dam to the surrounding scenery so you can get across. When you come this way again, be careful not to hit the switch by accident because you could suddenly fall into the gap you've created! Carry on over the dam to a raised square area and carefully make your way to its centre for some extra lives - avoiding both the lava on the floor and the lava walls which will kill you just as easily. Because the walls in Prideworld are raised slightly above the ground level and your robot is spherical, you can't drive as close to a lava wall as you can to plain old-fashioned lava on the floor, and expect to survive!
You now have a choice of how cheatily you want to play... If you're doing it by the book, you need to find the yellow key. Go back to where you started this mission and continue clockwise round the perimeter. You'll soon see a set of locked yellow walls to your right, blocking the entrance to the castle. The next thing on the perimeter after that is a telemaze - a maze of teleporters - where you'll see the yellow key. It's mostly shut down at the moment though, so press the switch here to power up a few more of the teleporters; you'll see them go yellow when they're operational. Now take the only teleporter you can reach, which will beam you to another in one of the floating islands. Avoid the ice and use the only other teleporter here to get to the next section. Now go to the far end and slightly to your right to beam yourself to the very top of this telemaze. Drop down in three stages to the lowest part of this section (the bouncy floor makes jumping all the way to the bottom in one go rather more dangerous) and press the final switch in this part of the game. That has powered up the last of the teleporters here, including the ones directly behind you that you'll need to get back to the top and out of here. Once at the top, use the teleporter there to get yourself back onto the previous floating island section. This section used to have a plain grey floor for the middle of its three hexagons, but that has now been switched to become a teleporter, so use it! Teleport for one last time and you'll be right in front of the yellow key, which you can now use to escape from here and get into the castle from the northeast corner!
Once you're in the castle you'll see the most complicated telemaze in all of Prideworld! Be very careful not to fall off the edges, or to hit any floor or wall made of lava. It's more tricky because of the ice (which prevents you from stopping in a hurry) and the black rubber floor (which is bouncy if you fall onto it from a higher level, also making it harder to stop yourself careering into lava). There are so many teleporters around that you're more likely to stop on one by accident and get sent somewhere you didn't want to go. Remember, a teleporter will only whisk you away if you stop moving while you're on it (your speed is zero) so you might get the hang of preventing that by driving slowly - by repeatedly pressing and letting go of the forwards or backwards key if you're using keyboard control. Turning on the spot doesn't count as moving, so you can't use that to stop a teleporter from getting you. Also when you do get beamed about the place, the teleporter you materialise on shouldn't just send you off again - you would have to move right off it and back on before it can teleport you anywhere else.
Take the left of the two teleporters in front of you at the start of the castle telemaze. It'll randomly pick one of three destination teleporters in front of you, all of which allow you access across a star-shaped section of ordinary grey floor to another teleporter on its own. This'll take you up to a nearby switch, which you must set to on (and you'll see more teleporters coming online as a result) then return the way you came back to the start of the telemaze. Now take the other one of the first two teleporters, and you'll be sent to a place where you have to be much more careful about lava and unwalled edges. Again cross the star shape to a teleporter on its own, which takes you up to an area mostly surrounded by lava walls. Proceed ahead, and slowly take the first left turn and down two levels of steps, stopping on the last black hexagon. The upcoming teleporters are on the whole, a minor hazard rather than useful. The three ahead take you closer to the lava, from which you'd then have to find a safe way back. The four to the extreme left are random and are most likely just to send you around between each other; we recommend heading for one of those and stopping on it. You'll now get beamed somewhere safe nearby, allowing you time to get your directions and plan your next move. Look northwards towards the castle's biggest tower and find a teleporter surrounded by hexagons of ice and extra lives... unless by chance you're already there. You need to use that teleporter to move to the next section, but you probably want the extra lives first. These are even harder to get than they look, because you have to move across the ice very slowly to avoid crashing into the lava walls, but if you accidentally stop on the teleporter itself you'll get sent to the next part of the game with no direct way to return. When you're done collecting lives, use the teleporter in the middle of the ice to get yourself to the highest point of this telemaze.
Up here, find the one side that has no wall to prevent you jumping off, and fall very slowly onto the rubber below. If you were moving forwards too quickly you'll have bounced right the way past another set of extra lives! Keep doing the slow fall thing in the same direction till you reach the bottom level. There are three switches arranged around a central island with extra lives on it, and the order in which you press them makes all the difference. First do the northeastern one, the only switch that is next to an ice hexagon you can safely reach. This builds a little icy staircase up to the nearest teleporter, which should have a white arrow pointing to the right. Use it to reach the southernmost switch of the three... and now be careful because that has switched on a whole ring of random teleporters! If you stop on any of these you'll just get sent annoyingly to somewhere else in the ring, or if you're very lucky then you'll end up at a slightly higher level which is where you now want to go. If you can't be bothered to teleport randomly until you get lucky though, go round the ring and press the last of the three switches (north west) to re-route the teleporter at the top of the ice steps (its arrow will now point upwards). While doing all this you've also opened the way down to that island in the middle with more extra lives (assuming you have the yellow or the master key). Once you've used the re-routed teleporter (or blind luck) to beam yourself up to the southeast corner of the telemaze, carefully climb the ice steps and teleport yourself up to a control tower area where you get to press the yellow pride flag colour switch and start colouring in the buildings at last!
The biggest cheats in this mission involve increasing the size of your robot so you can get into the castle via the lava lake. If you're going for cheat mode, first follow the instructions in the top paragraph of this page, then head towards a very long bridge on legs, south of the castle. You can't yet cross the gap over lava in the middle of the bridge, but you do need to find a switch between the bridge and the castle which will add some of the necessary stepping stones around another building. Press the switch and work your way clockwise around the perimeter as far as you can, past the yellow key, and up a ramp to a small jump over lava. Always take the left lane for this jump. You'll find yourself in the bottom level of a building on stilts over the lava, and with all the three switches you've pressed so far there should be a complete spiral of pink stepping stones hovering in mid-air leading up to roof level. There's an extra life on each stepping stone, and you're going to need them! The knack to getting up on the roof is all about maintaining high forward speed and an almost constant rate of right turn. We recommend starting your runup from a distance of one square of this building's floor paving, but it's the steering that's really critical. Just before you reach the first stepping stone, begin your right turn, and as you climb the staircase, repeatedly press and let go of the right key or button several times a second so as to achieve a rate of turn that is less than what you'd get if you simply held down that key. As you climb, if you're drifting to the left then press the right key more firmly or for a tiny fraction of a second longer each time. And the opposite if you're turning too tightly and heading to the right. You'll have to make several corrections on your way up, and it's easy to overcorrect. You'll probably have to restart the mission several times before you get the hang of this - we made it very difficult because it's such a powerful cheat when you do get it! If you can't reach the top but you do manage to use the stepping stones as a way to collect more lives than you lost in the attempt... that's OK too!
If and when you finally make it to the roof, continue round the perimeter to the next switch. It's almost at the highest level of the perimeter so for now we'll call it the high switch. Just above each end of the bridge there's another switch that looks along the bridge's central channel and, when set to on, fills any gaps in the channel floor and gives access to the channel in that half of the bridge. You've got to press both of the channel switches (east then west) but the floors you must cross to get to them are controlled by the high switch. Put the high switch on, and now you can go down to the eastern end of the bridge and press the channel switch there. In the channel you will now find some (probably much needed) extra lives. Return to the high switch and set it back to the off position, to rejoin the western channel switch to the western end of the bridge. Go all the way back round the perimeter (avoiding the dreaded stepping stones spiral by using a tiny pink downward ramp to fall from near the northeast corner of that building to the paving below). You can now get to the bridge's western channel switch. Press that, go down into the channel and let the forcefields propel you over a row of switches that'll make a circle of floor and plus size tokens appear over the lava. You'll land in the channel at the other end of the bridge. It's now possible to get right across the bridge in either direction, but be careful to jump accurately between the bridge's triangular floor panels and the central ring area. Collect five plus tokens from the ring to get a maximum-size robot capable of crossing lava... But remember: when your robot is bigger than the usual size it'll shrink every time it's teleported. Just one teleportation and you're no longer lava-proof; five and you're back to normal size. On the plus side, there are enough tokens on the bridge to restore your robot to maximum size a few times, so if you don't waste them you should be able to get as many of these cheats as you want. It's now time to cross the lava lake at the western side of the castle. You could just use this to avoid needing the yellow key to enter the castle, but you can do so much more... Aim higher. Or at least, cheat harder..!
Cheat 1: 3 extra lives from roof of building east of castle In the lava lake, find the two small teleporters that are surrounded by lava on all sides. The southern one is almost entirely walled off but there's a small gap; use it to beam yourself to the roof of a small building beyond the opposite side of the castle. Collect the lives. There are two ways back from here. The teleporter on this roof should currently have a downwards arrow, indicating that it will take you to the start of the telemaze just below. Alternatively if you plan to restore your robot to full size to make more trips across the lava and are worried about running out of plus tokens, you can jump down to the perimeter path below. Make sure to jump from either the left or right side of the building though - there's no ramp in the middle so you'd fall through the gap.
Cheat 2: master key (and 6 extra lives) There are two ways into this. The slightly trickier option will get you the lives and the key, but if you accidentally stop on a teleporter along the way, your robot will lose its immunity to lava, forcing you to remain in the castle and complete the telemaze in more or less the usual way described above - with no more cheats. To do it this way, find the row of four large teleporters on the edge of the lava lake, just within the walls of the castle. Of these, the two middle ones are each linked by a ramp up to another teleporter a few metres further away. These are the only teleporters you must cross. Just pick the left or the right route and drive straight through without stopping, to the plain grey hexagonally paved area beyond, where you can safely stop. The lava walls are harmless to your big robot, but you might lose a life by falling off the side of one of the ramps. If this happens and you start your next life on a teleporter, don't worry - your robot hasn't shrunk just from that! Now look north to find a slightly raised area with extra lives on ice. Collect the lives - it's much easier to get them now because the central teleporter is switched off and the lava walls can't kill you. Find a lava hexagon just to the east of this ice area, drop down into it and slowly continue onto a flickery floor that is not lava. Your big heavy robot will soon destroy the weak floor and fall through to the secret area below. Collect 6 extra lives then drop down again to the lowest level for the master key (which opens all of the colour-coded locked walls, yellow and purple) and a teleporter to escape out to the eastern perimeter. Alternatively for the slightly easier but much less good option, look across the lava lake towards the castle and find the left (northern) of the two small teleporters surrounded by lava. Use it to beam directly down to the master key area, take the key and escape by teleporter to the eastern perimeter as above. You won't be able to get the 6 underground extra lives this way.
Cheat 3: skipping entire first half of mission After you've finished any of the above cheats that you want to do, it's also possible to jump right to the end of the yellow objective - assuming you're willing to abandon any extra lives that you might have picked up if you'd been playing through the whole thing properly. To do this, look from the dam towards the castle and find the rightmost of the row of four large teleporters just inside the castle. Go there, and work your way along a chain of teleporters curving to the right around the tallest of the castle's chimneys. After the first one, carefully avoid the lethal lava walls! The last teleporter in this sequence will send you directly to the yellow pride colour switch where you can bring some colour into the world!
Purple objective The yellow switch you pressed at the end of the yellow objective section has done several things. It made some enemy robots appear in front of you on the castle wall, in an area that we seem to be calling the amphitheatre. These ones can be quite tricky to deal with up close, but they only have a few lives instead of the usual 99. You could tempt them to plummeting doom later on in the game, but it's easier just to cheat by repeatedly pressing the yellow switch until they run out of lives and stop reappearing! Once you've done that, leave the switch on and you'll see that it has re-routed the teleporter behind you, which you can now use to reach the walls of the castle.
Head up a gently sloped ramp onto the castle wall itself, and look to your right. The safest thing to do is aim for the switch here before crossing the ice in a straight line to get to it. Once it's pressed, a walkway will appear round the inside of the castle wall, above the route that you probably used earlier to get into the castle in the first place. Use that walkway to get to another similar switch, being careful again crossing the ice. Press it then look behind you - clockwise round the castle wall. You've just switched on another section of walkway, on the outside of the castle this time. Use it to get to the next section, being careful not to fall to oblivion or into the small telemaze to the east of the castle, from which you you would have to go all the way through both telemazes again to get back up to the castle wall and continue the mission.
The flickery greeny-blue parts of the next building are an electrical zap that's as fatal as lava, but you'll soon be able to switch them off and make them safe. If you didn't cheat with the yellow switch to wipe out the enemy robots in the amphitheatre, the next-easiest way to do it is to drive carefully round the electrical zap, down onto another walkway round the inside of the castle, and along it until you're close enough for the robots to notice you. Just wait for them to waste all their lives in failed attempts at chasing you, then return the way you came to the outer walkway. Make your way round to where the robots were; this switch puzzle is much easier without them! If you cheated earlier to get the master key you can just barge through here, unlocking a small purple wall section to get to a walkway all round the western exterior of the castle, to a set of three switches off the north side. Press them all to start up the lifts, then return anticlockwise all the way round the castle and into the tallest tower. Travel by lift to the top and press the purple switch to cheat-complete the mission! Whereas if you're playing properly without the master key, go in the amphitheatre to the 4th (rightmost) row of switches, which contains just one switch - the only one you can reach at the moment. Aim perfectly straight at it because you'll have almost no steering power on the ice, and press it to make some walkway sections appear to the other rows of switches. Don't move too quickly on your way back out of the switch rows, because there's a lot of slippery ice about and you don't want to fall back into the telemaze. As you work your way through the puzzle that risk will diminish, but you'll have to climb steeper and steeper ice walkways - some of which need a runup. Now press row 3 switch 1. Next go to row 1 to press switches 1 and 2, and you'll notice that as you cross switch 1 again on your way out it's now off... so you'll have to return to put it back on! Go back to row 3 and make sure both its switches are on. Switch on everything in row 2, revisiting each switch as many times as necessary on your way out to make sure they're all on. Finally, return to row 1 and finish setting everything to on. All 10 switches should now be green.
Make your way back to the previous section of the castle, where you saw the electrical zapper. This has now been shut down and made safe, and the lift up to the extra lives on the roof is also now working. You'll need a tiny bit of speed to get up the sloping roof panel to the lives, but don't overdo it as it's easy to go too far. Return to the amphitheatre and you'll see that completing the switch puzzle has also joined the inner walkway to the next section of the castle. Keep going round clockwise until you almost reach the very tallest tower. In the next puzzle you can't disable any of the electrical zap - you have to steer past it. The first zapper is in a place where everything slopes down towards the middle, so you'll have to avoid rolling down into the dangerous bit. Just keep towards the left and press on forwards. The second zapper is on the left side of a very shallow pyramid. Aim only slightly to the right of the zap area, and as soon as you're onto the black right face of the pyramid, start turning left a little bit to avoid sliding off the castle wall. The enemy robots in the next section move pretty quickly and are not short of spare lives. Best to take the left side of the bridge, going the same way they do. So slow down for a decisive left turn up the pink slope before aiming carefully to cross the icy section of the bridge itself, then once you're across, get away from the bridge quickly and try to stop at the switch in the middle of next section. If a robot followed you it might manage to push you off the end, but there's not much chance of it slowing down enough to make a safe turn for another attack!
The small teleporters in the lava lake are also accessible by jumping down from the bridge you've just crossed, but with all that lava around it's a risky manoeuvre! The southern one (for three extra lives) is best accessed by approaching the bridge area from the south, turning left up the pink slope then right to face the ice on the bridge. Move ahead very slowly, up the gently-sloped icy floor, and allow yourself to fall off the right side when you are about 3/4 of the way up the slope. If you land on the teleporter you'll be sent to the building east of the castle with extra lives on its roof. The teleporter on that roof has now been rerouted, so it'll return you to the only teleporter on the castle wall. A more dangerous jump for the master key involves approaching the bridge area from the north. Instead of turning to one side and going up onto the bridge, aim at the gap between the left and right lanes of the bridge, positioning yourself closer to the right side. Move ahead at a lowish speed and fall down into the lava area. You should land on the teleporter that takes you down to the secret area below the telemaze. There you can collect the master key (but not the 6 extra lives) and the teleporter down there has also been re-routed to return you to the northern section of the castle wall.
Once you've got past the bridge, the switch here makes the flickery floor panels a little bit more sturdy - enough to support your robot for a couple of crossings on each one if you're reasonably quick. So cross to the outer walkway and go clockwise again towards the tallest tower. Just before the tower you'll find a set of three switches and the kiln with the purple key on top. Each switch powers up a lift on the side of the kiln, and they all need to be on, but it's complicated... Counting from right to left because that's the direction you'll be going up to the top of the kiln, switches 1 and 2 control lifts of different heights. It doesn't matter when you switch each on because the lifts will keep moving in and out of phase with each other until you get a chance to cross from one to the next. But lifts 2 and 3 are exactly the same height and take the same time to complete their movement cycle. If you set them both moving at the same instant you'd never ever see one of them at its top while the other is at its bottom, so you could never cross from one to the other to reach the purple key. First get lifts 1 and 2 running, position yourself within easy reach of the left switch and wait for lift 2 to reach its top and sit there for a second or two before switching lift 3 on. Now you should be able to work your way up the lifts to the purple key! That switching has also started up the lifts in the tall tower, and you have the purple key to get in there, so let's go. Make your way anticlockwise round the outer walkway as far as the amphitheatre and use the purple key to get in there. Continue round the castle wall and walkways to reach the tall tower, and go right to the top by lift, to press the purple pride colour switch and complete the mission!
Pride flag colour switches: 2
Keys: 3 (one for each pride flag colour plus a master key)
Extra lives: 39
Friendly robots: 0
Enemy robots: 4
Switches: 42 (total including pride flag colour switches)
Lifts: 6
Teleporters: 63
Hazards: jumps, forcefields, ice (including sloping ice), rubber, random teleporters, lava (including lava walls) and electricity, flickery floor, high altitude
Secret areas: 3
Complexity: 1476 polygons, average 4.64 vertices per polygon, 569 walls, 2 vertices per wall
Published: 26-10-2021 (Intersex Awareness Day)