Throughout the year our community, and groups within and around it, campaign to raise awareness and celebrate the progress made so far…

In 2025 our main Congleton Pride event will return to the town centre on Saturday 19 July. And our friends and colleagues at Caffeine Connections welcome you to the United Reformed Church, Antrobus Street, on the last Wednesday of each month from 2 to 5pm.

FebruaryLGBT+ History Month
Week after Valentine’s DayAromantic Spectrum Awareness Week
March1Zero Discrimination Day
21Omnisexual Awareness Day
31Transgender Day of Visibility
April6International Asexuality Day
26Lesbian Visibility Day
May17IDAHOBIT (International Day Against Homophobia, Biphobia and Transphobia)
19Agender Pride Day
22Harvey Milk Day
24Pansexual & Panromantic Awareness Day
JunePride Month
28Stonewall Riots Anniversary
July14International Nonbinary People’s Day
16Drag Day
19Congleton Pride 2025
SeptemberWeek leading up to Bi Visibility DayBisexual Awareness Week
23Bi Visibility Day
October8International Lesbian Day
11National Coming Out Day
Usually overlaps with International Pronouns DayGenderfluid Visibility Week
15International Pronouns Day
Last full weekAce Week
26Intersex Awareness Day
November3Trans Parent Day
8Intersex Day of Remembrance
20Transgender Day of Remembrance
December1World AIDS Day
10Human Rights Day