Congleton Pride has attracted a number of local businesses to be Pride Sponsors in 2022-23, organisations enthusiastic to be associated with a charity helping to drive equality and inclusion as well as being part of a popular summertime town centre event. Pride Trustees and Committee members met with local business leaders at Congleton Town Hall recently to discuss the sponsorship opportunities.

Pride Chair Ronan Clayton opened the event by welcoming the business leaders and explaining the high-level goal of the Congleton Pride Charity, to support everyone identifying as lesbian, gay, bi, trans, queer, intersex or non-binary (LGBTQI+) to feel safe and welcome in Congleton. This support is centred around the main Pride event which in 2022 will be on the 23rd July. As a free event, sponsorship is essential in order to make it happen.

Pride Trustee Cllr Kay Wesley, also a local business owner, presented the results of a survey of LGBTQ+ people in Congleton from early 2021. As a result of the findings, the team has engaged with local Churches and with the Police, to build relationships and increase support and understanding. In addition, based on feedback from the respondents, Congleton Pride is now organising a number of social events of various types including a cinema night, a Valentine’s evening, a St Patrick’s Party, with many more to come. Cllr Wesley concluded “Pride has extended beyond a once-a-year event, to become a movement driving equality and inclusion in Congleton.”

Supply Chain Consultancy LOGURU Ltd was a sponsor in 2021 and Founder & Managing Director Malcolm Pope gave an overview of the business, how sponsoring Pride fitted with its corporate social responsibility and core values of diversity and inclusion, and the company’s intent to continue to support Pride in 2022 and beyond. He stated “Having a diverse team gives my business incredible strength and we want all of our team members to feel comfortable to just be who they are. Discrimination on gender, gender identity or sexuality is the poorest decision any business can make, you limit your pool of talent.”

Pride Committee Members James Cheffings and Shaun Radcliffe introduced the sponsorship packages available to businesses including a new, exclusive Diamond Package available to just one sponsor for £5000. The Pear Hospitality & Retail Group (including the Lion & Swan, the Wheatsheaf and Pecks) quickly snapped up this package and will be featured on all Pride events and promotion for the next 12 months. Other businesses also offered support, with LOGURU and Kanga Health as Platinum Sponsors, Mark’s Events as Gold, and Learn With Lorraine and Kit Perren Restoration selecting Bronze. Ronan Clayton thanked all the businesses for their contributions which mean that the Pride team can continue planning the main Congleton Pride 2022 event on 23rd July.

There are still support packages available. If any other business would like to sponsor Congleton Pride, please contact the team.